


I was powerless in my own life. And I knew I was holding myself back but I couldn’t get out of it... And now I’m dating... I was asked out by five guys last week.  [Now], The world is open. I can make real movement and make real changes in my life. And it’s happening. Getting a coach was so like opened my world. It really shifted so much for me because I learned from you that it’s not just about the mindset, it’s not just about the action, but you need both pieces together”
— Jen

Watch the full interview + read the transcript below.


Liz: Hi Jen.
Jen: Hi Liz.
Liz: Welcome.
Jen: Thank you.
Liz: Tell everyone your name and what you do.
Jen: My name is Jen Herbert. I am an art therapist. I work in a nonprofit organization as the director of clinical services.
Liz: And you are single?
Jen: I am single.
Liz: And you do not want to be?
Jen: I don't.
Liz: I remember those days myself. And you just graduated from level two of the Get What You Want Program. And where were you before this round of the program?
Jen: I was taking no action. I was wanting a lot of things and not doing anything about it.
Liz: Yeah. Jen: I was feeling really, really stuck.
Liz: Yes. Jen: Like I was powerless in my own life. And I knew I was holding myself back but I couldn't get out of it and I couldn't ... I learned a lot in this course about how that also connected to my beliefs about myself and how that's really changeable.
Liz: And where are you now?
Jen: And now I'm dating.
Liz: Yeah. Yep. So from zero, no dating, talking to no one, nothing to where are you now?
Jen: I was asked out by five guys last week.
Liz: Yes! Five different people. That is ...
Jen: Yeah. Five different human beings.
Liz: And what has shifted for you? Because that is night and day.
Jen: Yeah.
Liz: So what has shifted for you?
Jen: The piece that clicked for me the most was really the piece about beliefs.
Liz: Yeah.
Jen: And you really helped me examine what my beliefs were, why I was so tied to them, what I was getting out of them. I always felt like that's it, just that's what I believe and I don't have much of a choice about it.
Liz: So your belief before was?
Jen: I'm stuck. I have no power.
Liz: And your belief now is?
Jen: The world is open. I can make real movement and make real changes in my life. And it's happening.
Liz: And how do you feel?
Jen: I feel great.
Liz: Yeah.
Jen: I feel really powerful.
Liz: Yeah.
Jen: I feel really hopeful and optimistic. I feel energized and activated.
Liz: So now the dating more and boyfriend and getting married, does that feel so far off still?
Jen: It's not here. It feels in reach. It really does.
Liz: It feels in reach.
Jen: Yeah.
Liz: Yeah.
Jen: Yeah. So no, it doesn't feel far off. It feels like I believe it's going to happen for me.
Liz: Yeah, that's the best place.
Jen: Yeah.
Liz: So for all of these people watching this and the other single women who are listening to this interview right now, what do you have to say to them about coaching with me, about the Lasky Institute, about what this program can do for them?
Jen: I'd say, from my experience, it is not enough to hope your way out of this or to think your way out of this.
Liz: Yeah.
Jen: Getting a coach was so like opened my world. It really shifted so much for me because I learned from you that it's not just about the mindset, it's not just about the action, but you need both pieces together.
Liz: Yeah.
Jen: And one shifts the other, and it really expanded my world tremendously.
Liz: So for the people who are on the fence, what do you want to say to them about join-
Jen: I'm coming back.
Liz: Yep.
Jen: Do it, do it. There's literally nothing to lose. I have gained so much through this program. I am doing it again. So I'm not just telling people to do it.
Liz: Yep.
Jen: I really, truly believe in you and your methods and you have really helped me get what I want and get closer to those things.
Liz: Yeah.
Jen: And you're doing it for other people. So do it.
Liz: And there is me here, but there's also a huge community of women who are working towards getting what they want too. And what's it like to be part of the community and what's it like to have this kind of support here at the Lasky Institute?
Jen: That was a huge piece for me.
Liz: Yeah.
Jen: Being in a group with other women who were working through the same things. Even something that wasn't the same as what I was working on really resonated with me. We connected with each other. I had such a strong accountability partner, Tanisha. I love you. She was amazing. And we really utilized each other in that support.
Liz: Yeah. Well, and accountability is a really big piece. So often there is accountability buddies where you can ... How did you use each other? How did you use your accountability buddy?
Jen: It's funny, at the beginning we sort of said to each other, "What feels like too much? What feels like enough? Maybe let me know if it feels like too much." And we were texting every day. And we were calling each other. And we were checking in about little things like, "I'm wearing lipstick today."
Liz: Yep.
Jen: Or, "I sat in my car for 10 extra minutes and took some time for myself." It's different than relying on your friends and people in your life. We had a purpose and we really connected around that purpose. And that was so helpful. And then I found myself being accountable to myself also.
Liz: Yes.
Jen: And it was-
Liz: And that's a game changer.
Jen: Yeah
Liz: Yeah. And it's the process of sort of getting there too is what we've done in the program also.
Jen: Yes, absolutely.
Liz: So on a scale of one to 10, one being the lowest, 10 being the highest, what's your satisfaction with this program and where you are with your goals?
Jen: Well I'm extremely satisfied with this program. I'd say for me I was maybe between a zero to one in terms of my goals. I feel like now I'm moving through a six, up, which I didn't even think could happen.
Liz: Yeah.
Jen: So it wasn't even in my realm of possibility.
Liz: And that's a huge jump, a zero, one to a six.
Jen: Yeah.
Liz: That's enormous.
Jen: It's huge.
Liz: Yeah.
Jen: And not just because things are happening, but mostly because I believe differently.
Liz: Yes.
Jen: And 10 plus satisfaction with this program. It's really been a game changer. It's been so powerful and so meaningful to me.
Liz: Who do you think should join us?
Jen: I think everyone should join. Anyone who is working, anyone who really wants something but feels like maybe it's not in reach or is not taking the right kind of action or just needs a little bit of a shift I think. When we shift things, we think about things in different ways and it's a different kind of energy. And I wasn't cutting it on my own. And the group, this program really helped me make those changes.
Liz: Yeah.
Jen: And I think anyone who's looking for any change in life should go through this.
Liz: Thank you. Thank you for sharing your story.
Jen: Thank you.
Liz: Thank you.

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Liz Lasky